1. (If Applicable) Uninstall Ezeep from your computer and remove the Ezeep printers

    1. Windows: Access the Control panel -> Add and Remove Programs -> Remove the Ezeep app
      1. Navigate to Printers and Scanners and select a printer and then click Remove
    2. Mac: https://support.apple.com/guide/mac-help/remove-a-printer-list-mac-mchlf2272230/mac
  2. Navigate to http://print.sattler.edu (this will not work off campus)

    1. Log in with your Populi credentials
    2. Select “Install Printers” from the bottom of the menu bar on the left
    3. Download the Papercut Mobility Print Software
      1. Follow the directions on the setup page
    4. When printing and prompted for authentication, enter your Populi login username and password